60 km/h
13 kg
100% automated
Up to 40 metres
15km de distancia
The new model of the Stratos Industrial PT-25 industrial series is an operational drone for logistics-port tasks in Spanish ports.
The drone is fully automated and is equipped with a 40-metre winch capable of carrying loads of up to 13 kilos.
The purpose of the drone is to transfer light goods to ships for which small vessels would normally be used.
The use of this drone means a 90% saving in time, operating costs and reduced emissions as it is fully electric.
It is equipped with sensors and cameras that allow the drone to be fully autonomous: take-off, landing, loading and unloading, with only human intervention required to supervise the machinery.
Price, Supplementary Services, and Availability
The new unit is made available to the European market (non-EU countries check availability through Contact) for rent, starting from €6,000 per month or for 1,000 flights.
Supplementary Services
Check availability and prices for the supplementary services.
With offices in Spain, USA and France, Airmedia360 offers innovative solutions for the audiovisual production and aerospace industries.
Airmedia360 has a presence in all major Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona and Tenerife.
In addition, the company operates in all of the country’s autonomous communities, providing services in Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y Leon, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, Illes Balears, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Basque Country, Canary Islands and Ceuta and Melilla.
As a drone manufacturer, Airmedia360 offers a wide range of high quality drones to meet the needs of any project. From small, portable drones to large-scale flight systems, Airmedia360 has a solution for any audiovisual production need.
On the other hand, the company also offers a drone rental service at all of its locations. With a large fleet of drones available.
Drone company specialized in audiovisual services and manufacturing of professional drones for all types of RPAS work: films, series, advertising, events, and industrial applications. Headquarters in Madrid and Tenerife; branches in Barcelona, Cologne, Bristol, Versonnex, and New Jersey.
France & CH
+33 787 417 703 (FR)
+41 794 758 732 (CH)
+34 646 23 88 79
+34 646 23 88 79
United Kingdom
+34 646 23 88 79
Copyright © 2024. Airmedia360
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