Drones for lighting are a tool increasingly used in audiovisual and musical productions, as they allow for more creative and dynamic lighting than traditional fixed lights.
In addition, their versatility and ability to reach places inaccessible to conventional lighting equipment allows them to create unique and stunning visual effects.
Producers and directors can experiment with new lighting techniques and create a more immersive and engaging atmosphere for the viewer. They can also help save time and money by reducing the need for large lighting rigs and the manpower required to set up and move lights.
On the other hand, light drone shows have gained popularity in recent years thanks to the possibility of creating impressive light choreographies in the night sky; equipped with bright LEDs that can change colour and create complex patterns in the air.
Light drone shows are ideal for large outdoor events such as festivals, concerts and celebrations and can be customised to meet the specific needs of each event.
Drone company specialized in audiovisual services and manufacturing of professional drones for all types of RPAS work: films, series, advertising, events, and industrial applications. Headquarters in Madrid, Barcelona and Tenerife; branches in Cologne, Bristol, Versonnex, and New Jersey.
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